Resistoflex® is the largest plastic-lined piping products supplier in the world, with manufacturing and sales locations in North America, Europe, and Asia. Resistoflex invented the PTFE lined hose technology in 1953 for the aerospace and chemical industries, and in 1956 introduced the world’s first pipe and fittings lined with Teflon™ PTFE. We also offer a full line of pipe and fittings lined with polypropylene, Teflon™ PFA, and Kynar® PVDF. Resistoflex corrosion-resistant plastic lined pipe, fittings, and hosed lined with Teflon™ PTFE are used in corrosive fluid services as an economical alternative to expensive alloys.

Teflon™ is a trademark of The Chemours Company FC, LLC used under license by Crane® ChemPharma & Energy
Kynar® is a trademark of Arkema, Inc.